627 Toledo St. Sidney, NE 69162
"Dedicated to serving the health, wellness, educational, recreational, & social needs of Cheyenne County and the surrounding area"
Sports Programs for All Ages
The Center offers a variety of athletic leagues for youth and adults. We manage the recreational programs for the City of Sidney, Nebraska. All youth and adult sports programs are operated, supervised and managed by community center personnel. These programs include basketball, baseball, softball, football, volleyball and soccer. The ages range from 5 years old all the way to adult leagues. The registration periods vary depending on the time of year.In our adult leagues Men's, Women's and Co-ed leagues are offered for softball, volleyball and basketball. Team Shirts are awarded for league champions in all sports leagues. For our youth leagues we offer soccer, T-ball, baseball, softball, volleyball fundamentals, flag football, tackle football and basketball. Reminder that all sports registrations are now done online with the link below.
Traveling leagues are also available for those youth wishing to improve their skills in basketball.
When thunderstorms threaten outdoor games or practices, you may call us at 254-7000 for information on postponements or cancellations.
For additional information or to be placed on a new team list, please contact Ray Davenport the Sports Director at 254-7000, ext. 20.
After the deadline our Sports Director will hold a coach's meeting at which time he/she will release to the coaches their roster of players and the coach's first responsibility is to contact all players with their first practice information.